How to make your computer load fast without buying more ram


Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah, my friends, welcome to meet again at this time, today we are here with you on how to make your computer faster, without buying more RAM, so why not do it? Check out our article to learn how to do it. THE STEPS TO IMPROVE COMPUTER SPEED ARE: 1. Go to the Desktop icon that says Computer, and touch the computer key with the symbol Windows and E, for example, Window+E will go to Hard Disk and open it. 2. After opening the Hard Disk View, RIGHT CLICK, then go down to Properties and enter. 3. After logging in, go to the place where "Advernced System Settings" is written on the left side from the top, then log in. 4. After it opens, select "Advance" from the options listed above, if it leads to 5. After opening it, go down a little and you will see "Performance" on the right side, there is a piece written "Settings", then you will enter. 6. After it opens, choose Advernced again. After it opens, you will see two texts, one at the top and one at the top, select Programs, and at the bottom, touch the place where "Change" is written. 7. After opening it, it will go to the place where automatic is written, then touch the good symbol to exit, then go down a little and select "Customs" size: the top field should go to Recommended from the bottom and enter the numbers They are in front of him, where they are, in the upper floor of Customs size. 8. The bottom field is for Custom size: then select the numbers and commas of the first field and a little bit left there. 9. Then touch OK, and close all the windows that are open. 10. Then turn off the computer and turn it on The computer has been increased in speed to do its work, and there will be a change in the speed her work has increased more than before this increase, this increase in speed is like an increase in "RAM" in the speed of computer work. For those who need to see with their own eyes how to do this task of increasing computer speed, they should open this video at the address below, it contains all the information, and those who have questions about it can comment and ask them here on Facebook, or on our YouTube page and God willing we will answer their questions. Don't forget to share it so others can benefit
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