So many people died because lung cancer every year. 2009 7.9 million people died for lung cancer.Smoking is one of the greatest cause of lung cancer,some people thought its a pleasures thing but they doesn't know that ,they buy their own death by their own hands.A smoker spend $1.330 for buy cigarette's.That money can be used for poors and help lees children's.Smoking also causes mouth cancer,high blood presser,heart disses,bronchitis,gastric,ulcer and lots of disses>A smoker doesn't only harm himself  also harm the others around him.When anyone smoked 7.000 different type chemicals came out of  one cigarette and get inside smoker's lung.If we injected the nicotine of one cigarette inside a man's body he will must die.So people if we want to live longer and live better we should quit smoking.And if anyone want to quit smoking he should quit smoking from the moment he think about it.It doesn't take a long time.And there nothing more than your desire and be determined about this.And every smokers should try drink a cigarette less every day and don't harm any one else with your habit ,maybe it could harm your own children.

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